Monday, February 27, 2012

Finished a WIP

So I finally finished the baby afghan I was working on.  And my entrelac blanket is coming along... it's large lap size, and I'm hoping to make it to twin size.  I also started a new afghan... Aran Hearts from Red Heart.  Not sure how long it will take, it's a very textured afghan and uses a lot of yarn.  I've also been sick the past week, so have put the hooks down quite a bit lately.  You know I'm really sick when I don't even have the energy to pick up a hook!  I also finished one sock in a tunisian knit stitch, but I don't know if I will make the other one.  It's not that hard to make, but I don't know if I like it enough to make the other one yet. Ha! 

Anyhow, I will try and get pictures of my baby blanket up.  It's from Absolutely Gorgeous baby afghans.. book 4 I believe?  And I will put a pic of the one sock up, too... 

Off to get more coffee, take some drugs for this nasty cold, and grab the hook for a bit!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Been Busy

I haven't blogged much the last week or so because I've been working on finishing up WIPs.  After I get them all completed, I will share some pictures.  :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Entrelac picture

I started my entrelac.  No idea what I will do with it.  I might keep going around until it's big enough for a lap blanket??  I'm not sure just yet.  But here is a picture of what I have so far.  I took this picture a couple of days ago, so it's actually a few rows bigger now. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Trying Entrelac

After seeing some really cool things done in Tunisian Entrelac, I've decided to take the plunge.  After looking at 3 videos, and reading 6 different pages of instructions on how to, I *think* I might have it down pat and give it a try on my own.

I followed along with videos, and did 2 rows of blocks... so I think I have the hang of it.  I'll see how it goes trying it on my own without the video.  Wish me luck LOL!   When I get a big enough piece going, I will post a picture.

I also can't find anywhere that tells how to "fill in" the edges of a finished piece so that they're all even (not V looking from the blocks).  Does that make sense?  I need to put little triangles in along the edges on all sides...  anyone have a link to share with me about how to do that?  Or is anyone up to the task of actually writing it out for me? LOL

It also seems like there's a lot of finish off with this yarn and change to the next color... lots of cut off ends to deal with.  What's the best way to weave them in or hide them?

Also... can entrelac be done in another stitch?  Like use a knit stitch or honeycomb or "whatever" stitch?  I always see it done in simple stitch.  Which is nice... but I like a few other stitches better ;)

Tunisian baby sweater note

 I just realized after re-reading my pattern for the baby sweater... I did the sleeves in knit stitch!  But I guess you could do them in the honeycomb stitch as well.  I don't see why that wouldn't work??  If anyone out there attempts to make the sweater and you do the sleeves in honeycomb, I'd love to see a picture :)

Also... if anyone has any problems or questions about the patterns, please let me know.  I usually just scribble things down so that I can understand them, but I really tried my best to make my patterns here easy for everyone to understand.  I'm not a professional by any means and I don't want to be ;)   I just love to crochet and want to be able to share my little creations with others :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pattern: Tunisian Baby Mitts

Size I afghan hook, worsted or sport yarn.

Ch 8, pull up loops in chains, return pass.

Row 1 : TSS across, return
Row 2:  *TSS, TPS* across, return
Row 3: *TPS, TSS* across, return
Row 4: *TSS, TPS* across, return
Rows 5-12:  TKS across, return
Rows 13:  TKS Decrease first 2 and last 2 stitches, return
Row 14:  TKS work even, return
Row 15:  TKS work increase at beginning and end of row, return
Rows 16-23:  TKS across, return
Row 24: row 2
Row 25: row 3
Row 26: row 4
Row 27: row 1

Sc across the top to cast off stitches.  Finish off, fold in half with wrong sides facing and sew.

Pattern: Tunisian Baby Booties

Size I afghan hook, worsted or sport weight yarn.

Ch 24, pull up a loop in all chains, return pass.

Rows 1 and 2:  Work TSS across, return pass
Row 3:  *TSS, TPS* across, return pass.
Row 4:  *TPS, TSS* across, return pass.
Row 5:  *TSS, TPS* across, return pass.
Row 6: *TPS, TSS* across.  Start return pass as normal,and pull through loops 8 times (you'll have 9 vertical bars).  Then pull through the next 6 loops all at once (like working a decrease kind of), work rest of the row as a regular return pass.

Row 7-9:  TKS across, return pass.
Row 10: Sc across the top (work like a TKS, but do a sc to cast all the stitches off).  Finish off, fold in half and sew together with wrong sides facing.